Elaine Thoendel is the facilitator for Thoendel Learning Center, located in Chambers, NE. She was licensed and certified through Davis Dyslexia Association International in 2008.
Elaine has always enjoyed teaching, especially one-on-one. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Family and Consumer Science and Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Elaine taught for 8 years in Nebraska schools. She served one year as a NOVA volunteer, working with the Head Start Program on the Santee Sioux Indian Reservation in Nebraska.
She and her husband, Dennis, owned and operated the family dairy farm and home schooled their seven sons. When their youngest, Brad, struggled with reading, school work, and sitting still, she tried every approach she could think of. She took Brad to a psychologist for testing and he was diagnosed as having ADHD. As an afterthought the psychologist said, “Years ago we would have called this dyslexia.” Later that year, when a friend was telling her about Davis and dyslexia, something clicked. When she read the book, The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis, it described Brad so well that she took him to Brookings, South Dakota (4-5 hours away) for an assessment and subsequent program. It was a life changing experience.
So, when in 2006 her husband said the “the milk cows are going next spring...,” Elaine took the opportunity to train and become a Licensed Davis® Facilitator.
Elaine goals? “I want to help others suffering from the same frustrations of dyslexia we went through. Because of how a dyslexic can look at the world, they have a delightful aspect about life, when allowed to. I want them to be able to realize their gift. Through Davis Dyslexia Correction programs we can get there. I feel privileged to be able to bring the Davis methods to north central Nebraska.”